Thursday, November 17, 2011

Six myths about customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is after sales support - No that is customer retention; one becomes a customer after he is satisfied with your offering or at least trusts so.

He loves "that" feature of your product - No all he cares is his current problem and how soon you solve it.

He might not pay for value of your product - No he is always ready to pay for his "perceived value" of your product.

You don't have to give anything free - No; you have to let a trial version out for free for the potential customer to get a feel of your product

Online business can be done online - No, Sales can be done online, you still have to get out of your home/office to get drive your business to sell.

Competitors might win the fight - No, they have already won, YOU are fighting to win customers (back). Even if there is no competition, you're fighting the fact that customer is OK to live with the problem you're trying to solve.


Geetha said...

Nice ones. except a typo - where u say "sales can be done online", I think you meant "Sales cannot be done online"


The ghost who walks said...

I meant sales(transaction) can be done online (e-commerce) but everything else that leads there cannot. Thanks for stopping by :-)